Steinbach Housing Mission Statement
To provide safe, adequate and affordable, independent housing
in a Christian environment, for seniors in the Steinbach area.
Steinbach Housing Inc. is a private, non-profit organization, which was conceived in the late 70s by a
number of individuals who saw the need to provide safe, adequate, and affordable housing for the seniors in
the Steinbach area. After much deliberation and many meetings, twelve (12) churches formed a non-profit
organization with each church being represented by one board member. Today ten (10) of those churches are
still represented on the board of Steinbach Housing Inc.
The first project was Phase I of Fernwood Place, which was completed in 1982, a six-story building with 68
suites. Phase II was added in 1986, and also consisted of 68 suites. The third building phase was Linden
Place, built in 1990, consisting of 33 suites.
Today Steinbach Housing Inc. owns and operates the above projects with subsidy from the Provincial and
Federal levels of government. Since the waiting list for the above facilities is very long, the board is
continuing to explore ways to expand the facilities and services in order to better serve the community.
The Steinbach Housing Inc. Board of Directors and staff want you to feel welcome. Our goal is to provide a pleasant
and comfortable home.